Dear Friend,

I hope you are blessed and empowered by what you read. The Heart of Purpose, I believe is the essence of true life purpose and identity. I will try to gear everything I write on this blog so it relates to the true purpose of our lives. I don't believe that it is vague or difficult, but simple and specific. Blessings! - James B.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Leader in you

Leadership to the next generation of leaders

What does it mean to be a leader? Eleanor Roosevelt was quoted: "Being a leader is a lot like being a lady, if you have to tell someone you are, you probably aren’t."

It is true that we don’t have to go around telling people, but you should get familiar with the Idea that you are a leader.

I think what is missing so much in the world today is true leadership. We have unlimited opportunity like the world has never seen, yet our problem is not in lack of opportunity, but lack of leadership.

To me leadership is like having the ability to guide others in the direction you have been or can see in your vision. It is also from the place of service and it might sound strange, but simply Love.

You are a leader and have the capacity to lead and gain a vision for your life that transforms it from the mundane and ordinary to the extraordinary and exciting. You don’t have to “arrive” in life and be a picture of worldly success in order begins walking in leadership.

David was a great leader and He developed his great leadership way before he ever became king. He was in exile, running for his life from King Saul, when he began drawing to himself a group of men. These men were not the so called cream of the crop; they were a group of a few hundred losers. They were debtors, outcasts, and criminals, but soon were regarded as David’s mighty men.

These men were transformed and something of their true heart was revealed through their time with David. The old self image of a loser and nobody fell away dead, while the new identity of Mighty man rose up in their being. They forever cast that weak and wimpy, cursed identity aside and embraced something else.

David saw them in a way they couldn’t see themselves. He treated them according to the possibility and what he believed to be true about them. And refused to see them as losers, he demanded that they live up to that new name, and they did.

This is David’s approach, it is Jesus’ approach, and do you know anyone else that is using this form of leadership? Seeing people as they truly are all the value, amazing possibility and gifted ness? I don’t think a person can truly be free until they accept what is true, I mean really true about themselves and shed the lies that tell them they are a loser or disappointment.

Leadership births leaders, and it births leadership. You are a leader, most people I have ever talked with feel much more like a loser than a leader. I have had enough of this! Rise up and claim your birthright mighty man or woman of God, throw off every lie and be a David for those in your life.

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